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WBC ROS 2 - Cartesian Space Example

To run a simple Cartesian pose control example, you can do

ros2 launch wbc_ros

To visualize the robot, you can do

rviz2 -d install/wbc_ros/share/wbc_ros/config/default.rviz

You should now see the KUKA iiwa robot in rviz, performing a circular end effector trajectory:


In the file, the code to load the example is explained step by step. The iiwa_controllers.yaml file describes the ROS 2 control configuration, which is loaded in the launch file.

If you type ros2 control list_controllers you can see the available controllers:

whole_body_controller[wbc_ros/WholeBodyController] active    
joint_state_broadcaster[joint_state_broadcaster/JointStateBroadcaster] active    
cartesian_position_controller[wbc_ros/CartesianPositionController] active

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