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ARC-OPT Documentation -

Code API WBC Library ROS 2 Interface


Whole-Body Control

Whole Body Control (WBC) is an approach for specifying and controlling complex robotic tasks.


Image Credits: Dennis Mronga, DFKI

The idea is to define a set of feedback controllers around an optimization problem. Each controller regulates a certain task, the control output is fed into the cost function of the optimization problem, typically a quadratic program, and thus minimized during execution. In each control cycle …

WBC is used for…

ARC-OPT: Motivation

ARC-OPT is a framework for optimization-based control of redundant robots. It contains various implementations of whole-body feedback control approaches on velocity-, acceleration- and force/torque-level. The core WBC library is written in C++, with Python bindings for most functionalities. It aims at facilitating the specification and benchmarking of whole-body controllers for redundant robots, i.e., the target user group are software developers and control engineers. Compared to existing frameworks for optimization-based robot control, ARC-OPT provides


The design of WBC library separates the whole-body controller into 4 main building blocks, namely controller(s), robot model, scene and solver. Robot models, scenes and solvers are implemented as plugins, which can be exchanged.




To execute unit tests for the WBC library, run

make test

from the library’s build folder. This will execute unit tests for all installed components, e.g., solvers, robot models, etc.


Velocity-based WBC

  1. Introductory example
  2. Using a different solver
  3. Adapting task and joint weights
  4. Task hierarchies
  5. Floating base robots

Serial vs. Hybrid Robots

  1. RH5 single leg example
  2. RH5v2 dual arm serial
  3. RH5v2 dual arm hybrid

Acceleration-based WBC

  1. Dynamic Cartesian Position Control

ROS 2 Tutorials

  1. Introduction
  2. Cartesian Space Example
  3. Joint Space Example
  4. Nullspace Example

Python 3 Tutorials

The most important functionalities of the WBC library have Python 3 bindings (see here). Note that the Python 3 bindings are not maintained as rigurously as the core WBC library.

  1. Introductory example
  2. RH5 legs example


D. Mronga, S. Kumar and F. Kirchner, “Whole-Body Control of Series-Parallel Hybrid Robots”, 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022, pp. 228-234

D. Mronga and F. Kirchner, “Learning context-adaptive task constraints for robotic manipulation”, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 141, 2021

D. Mronga, T. Knobloch, J. de Gea Fernández & F. Kirchner, “A constraint-based approach for human–robot collision avoidance”, Advanced Robotics, Volume 34, Issue 5, pp. 265-281, 2020

D. Mronga, “Learning Task Constraints for Whole-Body Control of Robotic Systems”, PhD Thesis, 2022, University of Bremen