WBC ROS 2 - Introduction
Note that the ROS 2 interface for the WBC library can be found here
WBC is integrated with ros2_control. The Whole-Body Controller itself, as well as every task space controller, is implemented as ROS 2 controllers, inheriting from ChainableControllerInterface.
wbc_ros - Published Topics
- Solution provided by the QP solver/whole_body_controller/status_<task_name>
- For each configured task (pose or joint state related to that task)/whole_body_controller/timing_stats
- Computation times for different parts of the WBC
wbc_ros - Subscribed Topics
- Activate (1) or deactivate (0) a task/whole_body_controller/task_weights
- Set the task weights for individual task variables
wbc_ros - Parameters
Check out the examples, e.g., Cartesian Space Example