Using a Different Solver
The tutorial can be found in tutorials/kuka_iiwa/cart_pos_ctrl_qpOASES.cpp. Documentation can be found here. To run the tutorial, type
cd build/tutorials/kuka_iiwa
This tutorial is identical to tutorial 01, except that we use a different solver (qpOASES) and scene (VelocitySceneQuadraticCost) here. The main differences are:
- qpOASES allows inequality constraints, e.g., joint velocity limits, which is not possible with the HLS solver
- qpOASES allows hard constraints, i.e., the constraints will never be violated. The HLS solver may return a sub-opotimal solution, which may violate the constraints
- The VelocitySceneQuadraticCost models the tasks in the cost functional, while the VelocityScene models them as constraints
Use qpOASES to limit the joint velocities
In the video, again the upper plot shows the joint velocity of joint 4 (elbow), the lower plot shows the setpoint and actual position (only z-axis). As it can be seen the joint velocity of joint 4 is now bounded to the maximum joint velocity set in the URDF file (approx. 1.3 rad/s).
Please note that the visualization has been done with an external tool and is not part of ARC-OPT. If you want to visualize your system, please refer to the ROS 2 tutorials, which use rviz as visualization.