Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CAccelerationSceneAcceleration-based implementation of the WBC Scene. It sets up and solves the following optimization problem:
 CAccelerationSceneReducedTSIDAcceleration-based implementation of the WBC Scene. It sets up and solves the following problem:
 CAccelerationSceneTSIDAcceleration-based implementation of the WBC Scene. It sets up and solves the following problem:
 CCartesianAccelerationTaskImplementation of a Cartesian acceleration task
 CCartesianForcePIDControllerCartesianForcePIDController implements a PID Controller on a Wrench data type
 CCartesianPosPDControllerImplements a PD Controller with feed forward on the RigidBodyStateSE3 type. The following control schemes are available:
 CCartesianPotentialFieldsControllerThe PotentialFieldsController class implements a multi potential field controller in Cartesian space
 CCartesianTaskAbstract interface for a task in Cartesian space
 CCartesianVelocityTaskImplementation of a Cartesian velocity task
 CCoMAccelerationTaskImplementation of a CoM velocity task
 CCoMVelocityTaskImplementation of a CoM velocity task
 CConstraintAbstract class to represent a generic hard (linear) constraint for a WBC optimization problem. the constraint belongs to one of three types: equality Ax = b inequality lb <= Ax <= ub bounds lb <= x <= ub
 CContactsAccelerationConstraintAbstract class to represent a generic hard constraint for a WBC optimization problem
 CContactsVelocityConstraintAbstract class to represent a generic hard constraint for a WBC optimization problem
 CEffortLimitsAccelerationConstraintEffort limits constraint for reduced TSID scene since torques are not part of qp, torque limits are enforced through acceleration and external forces limits using the linear dependecy given by the dynamic model
 CEiquadprogSolverWrapper for the qp-solver eiquadprog (see https://github.com/stack-of-tasks/eiquadprog). It solves problems of shape:
 CHierarchicalLSSolverImplementation of the hierarchical weighted damped least squares solver (HWLS), similar to Schutter, J. et al. “Constraint-based Task Specification and Estimation for Sensor-Based Robot Systems in the Presence of Geometric Uncertainty.” The International Journal of Robotics Research 26 (2007): 433 - 455. It solves the following optimization problem
 CPriorityDataThe PriorityDataIntern class Manages all priority dependent information, i.e. all matrices that have to be resized according to the number of rows per priority
 CHierarchicalQPDescribes a hierarchy of quadratic programs
 CJointAccelerationTaskImplementation of a Joint velocity task
 CJointIntegratorImplements different numerical integrators
 CJointLimitsAccelerationConstraintAbstract class to represent a generic hard constraint for a WBC optimization problem
 CJointLimitsVelocityConstraintAbstract class to represent a generic hard constraint for a WBC optimization problem
 CJointPosPDControllerImplements a PD Controller with feed forward on the base-Joints type. The following control schemes are available:
 CJointTaskAbstract interface for a task in joint space
 CJointVelocityTaskImplementation of a Joint velocity task
 CPIDControllerImplements an n-dimensional PID controller
 CPlanarPotentialFieldPlanar Potential field. The gradient will be constant on planes parallel to the plane defined by x0 (origin) and n (surface normal)
 CPosPDControllerImplements the following two control scemes
 CPotentialFieldBase class for potential fields
 CPotentialFieldsControllerBase class for potential field controllers
 CProxQPSolverWrapper for the qp-solver prox-qp (see https://github.com/Simple-Robotics/proxsuite). It solves problems of shape:
 CQPOASESSolverWrapper for the qp-solver qpoases (see https://www.coin-or.org/qpOASES/doc/3.0/manual.pdf). It solves problems of shape:
 CQuadraticProgramDescribes a quadratic program of the form
 CRadialPotentialFieldRadial Potential field. The computed gradient will be constant on volumnes with constant radius around the center of the potential field:
 CRigidbodyDynamicsConstraintAbstract class to represent a generic hard constraint for a WBC optimization problem
 CRobotModelInterface for all robot models. This has to provide all kinematics and dynamics information that is required for WBC
 CRobotModelConfigRobot Model configuration class
 CSceneBase class for all wbc scenes
 CTaskAbstract class to represent a generic task for a WBC optimization problem
 CTaskConfigDefines a task in the whole body control problem. Valid Configurations are e.g
 CVelocitySceneVelocity-based implementation of the WBC Scene. It sets up and solves the following problem:
 CVelocitySceneQPVelocity-based implementation of the WBC Scene. It sets up and solves the following problem: